Sunday 19 January 2014

Der Boss

     I never understood the adage: “A picture speaks a thousand words,” until I saw this picture recently taken in my country by a good friend of mine known on Google+ as Vormwald100. Obviously even the untrained eye in pictures can see a story being told by wild animals in this picture. And people like Vormwald100 who had been to my country would testify that the state of affairs depicted in this picture represents the harmony enjoyed by the people in my country.

     See, my people had gone through horrible wars for over 112 years, thanks to God working through bigger nations; we finally got our independence in 1990. Since then we swore never to go back to war again! Of course, we had to work hard at bringing about peace and stability across our country. And today as we speak, we have our country under control! Yet according to us, we still have a big room for improvement. But so far we’re not bothered by minor things such as racial discrimination, crime, religion, political affiliation, and what have you!

     Especially racial discrimination is something we don’t even dream about anymore, because we’re indeed brothers and sisters, so united our nation is! After all, take me for example, where would you place me? My uncles and aunties on one side are white people, and on the other, are black people, so what am I? For that reason, I wouldn’t let anybody hurt either of them in any way!

     And this is the attitude shared by every citizen of our country. You wouldn’t find anybody planning to harm somebody here! Even Sam Nujoma who has got all the reasons to hate white people, doesn’t; because they are his cousins and friends too, he can’t live without them. Besides, this is their country too, they were born here; their forefathers had lived here since the beginning of time, so we’re one! And this is the reason why it hurts so much seeing foreigners committing crimes in our country just because they can fool everybody. So, we’re not going to tolerate such bad manners here! We need respectable businessmen to invest in our country, but criminals trading under false pretenses, no!

     And oh, just a little info about me, of course, I am not speaking for anybody but me! I had taken an early retirement after having worked for my government for 26 years. I am an old man now, 50 years old, running my own legitimate businesses. I don’t get paid by anybody to write these things either, and I don’t expect anybody to pay me anything for these things since this is part & parcel of my private business.

     So if I were to wrong anybody, they would have the right to take me to court, and I wouldn’t expect my government or any of my people to bail me out because I speak for me! And I certainly don’t expect people to like my work. By the same token, I am not doing this to impress anybody. And nobody puts words into my mouth! I am just doing this because it’s the right thing to do. Protecting people and possibly teaching other peoples one or two things about philosophy is very important to me. I had gone to school for this, so I don’t want all that knowledge to go to waste when I kick the bucket someday, thanks.      

Saturday 18 January 2014

Who is the criminal?

Or simply, how many criminals in your area or elsewhere do you know? None, you say; why am I not surprised? Of course, I am not surprised because when you talk of a criminal, the first thing that comes to people’s mind is a person pointing a gun to somebody’s head, threatening to blow his brain out if they didn’t give him money! But you rarely find such criminals nowadays because crime has developed greatly to a point where modern criminals call themselves legitimate entrepreneurs. They are even lawfully registered with the ministry of trade and industry in their home countries, respectively. And their secret is safe with the people. They know very well that people are scared of their own shadow, so much so that they would never say anything even if they were hurting.

See, in my country we had worked so hard for over 20 years (and I was there every step of the way) to get rid of crime and criminals. Unfortunately, we’re now at a point where we’re faced with a new kind of commercial crime by people who operate within the boundaries of the law to break the law! These are highly intellectual people who know exactly how to beat the law at its own games! Such people reside in countries far-far away from ours, yet they are so deceitful and influential that nothing stands in their way when it comes to committing crimes in our country. These are crafty people selling goods and services they don’t even have, and once you pay them, that’s it; you’ll never hear from them again!

These people in question don’t respect the law and they have got nothing to do with God! Even their own home countries can’t control them because they are like above the law! And guess what; this kind of new crime is above the police comprehension, the police don’t even know what I am talking about right now! The police are basically trained to react to crimes under common law, whereby a crime is largely categorized as treason, felony, misdemeanor, and what have you! Yet this new commercial crime can’t be defined as such! And modern criminals know that; and therefore, they are using such knowledge to screw both the police and the law! Look, it’s a pity that people normally don’t buy whatever an African person sells, but I tell you; modern criminals know the ins & outs of the law. As a result, they conduct their phony businesses between the lines hardly defined as violations of specific regulatory statutes that customarily wouldn’t be punishable by the law in the absence of statutory enactments prohibiting the commission of such acts.

And that, my friend, is a problem that requires you and me to do something about it to protect the people. You certainly can’t expect the police to understand these things, do you? Therefore, never say that you don’t know any criminal in your area or elsewhere, unless you were a criminal yourself! Criminals are everywhere, pointing them out to the police is the only problem because you wouldn’t know where to start if you were stupid! Even the police would most likely simply chase you away because they wouldn’t understand anything! It’s a crazy world, huh?

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