I was born and bred in Africa, Namibia to be exact, and I have done so much
for the Japanese martial arts promotion in Africa to such an extent that I am more
or less known as the father of modern karate in Namibia because 70 percent of top
karateka experts in the country were all trained by me! I smile each time I
hear how Namibia is leading the way at international karate championships
because that’s what I had envisioned some 30 years ago when I started promoting
the Japanese martial arts in Namibia.
Of course, this Miss Patrycja_Pszczelinska, a Taiho Jutsu Instructor, and so it is a common sight in her country seeing her dressed like that while at her work. See, I had gone
abroad to Japan, England, and America, studying the martial arts wherever I saw
fit, thanks to many Japanese, English and American martial arts instructors who
believed in me. Unfortunately many of them such as Sensei Brian Eustace and
many others to mention a few are no longer with us and that breaks my heart.
However, during all those years of my time promoting the martial arts,
particularly Karate, in Namibia, I’ve realised that it takes a long time for
our people to get used or rather accustomed to new sport development in the
country. And that’s the reason why I am not worried about how slow sports people
in the country are reacting to Taiho Jutsu and Police Taiho Jutsu. At this
moment I wish you could see their reaction when they hear things like Police
Taiho Jutsu: oh God; it’s like as if you were inviting them to join the
national police force or something! This is the first time they are hearing the
terms Taiho Jutsu, let alone Police Taiho Jutsu for Godssake, how annoying!

And this is me, Joseph Sambi, dressed for my Taiho Jutsu instruction work in Namibia, yet our people still fail to comprehend the meaning of Taiho Jutsu, let alone Police Taiho Jutsu, how frustrating is that? Anyway, let's rather move on to the real masters of Taiho Jutsu and Police Taiho Jutsu, the real founders of Taiho Jutsu... But before that, allow me to illustrate the main essence of Taiho Jutsu:
Techniques used in Taiho Jutsu
ü Posture, Stances and
Breakfalls - Tachi Waza and Ukemi
ü Body Movement - Tai
Sabaki Waza, Kuzushi
ü Striking Techniques -
Ate Waza, Uchi Waza, Uchi Tsuki
ü Kicking Techniques -
Keri Waza
ü Blocking Techniques -
Uke Waza
ü Vital Point
Techniques and Pressure Points - Atemi Waza
ü Joint Locking
Techniques - Kansetsu Waza
ü Counter Techniques -
Gyaku Waza
ü Strangulation
Techniques - Shime Waza
ü Holding Techniques -
Osae Waza
ü Arresting Techniques
- Taiho Waza
ü Defense Against
Weapons - Bogyo Senjutsu
ü Throwing Techniques -
Nage Waza
ü Self-Defense
Techniques: Counters, Escapes, Avoidance - Kaeshi, Fusegi, Furimi
ü Use of Specialized
Weapons - Keii, Handcuffs, Plastic Ties
ü Special
Considerations: Defense against Gun, Knife, and Club
Belt Levels in Taiho Jutsu (per the
International Taiho Jutsu Federation)
Ø New Student - Kyu -
White Belt
Ø 10th Class - Ju kyu -
White Belt
Ø 9th Class - Ku Kyu -
White Belt
Ø 8th Class - Hachi Kyu
- Yellow Belt
Ø 7th Class - Shichi
Kyu - Yellow Belt
Ø 6th Class - Ro Kyu -
Blue Belt
Ø 5th Class - Go Kyu -
Green Belt
Ø 4th Class - Yon Kyu -
Green Belt
Ø 3rd Class - Sankyu -
Brown Belt
Ø 2nd Class - Nikyu -
Brown Belt
Ø 1st Class - Ikkyu -
Brown Belt
Ø 1st Grade - Shodan -
1st Degree Black Belt
Ø 2nd Grade - Nidan -
2nd Degree Black Belt
Ø 3rd Grade - Sandan -
3rd Degree Black Belt
Ø 4th Grade - Yodan -
4th Degree Black Belt
Ø 5th Grade - Godan -
5th Degree Black Belt
Ø 6th Grade - Rokudan -
6th Degree Black Belt
Ø 7th Grade - Shichidan
- 7th Degree Black Belt
Ø 8th Grade - Hichidan
- 8th Degree Black Belt
Ø 9th Grade - Kudan -
9th Degree Black Belt
Ø 10th Grade - Judan -
10th Degree Black Belt

Taiho Jutsu (sport) and
Police Taiho Jutsu (career self defence sport) put together is the real deal in
martial arts across the world. It’s only in Taiho Jutsu where all martial arts
techniques go unrestricted. The use of wrist controls, arm controls, holds and
throws, firearms use, firearm retention, and disarm, locks used in Ju Jutsu,
Aikido. Judo, karate. and Ninjutsu, make Taiho Jutsu an ideal art not only
for law enforcement agencies but all willing individuals and martial artists themselves across the world,
regardless of the dominating dojo style and style origin. This
system sourced techniques from the (then) banned traditional Japanese martial
arts as well as western boxing is what had become known
as Taiho Jutsu (sport) and Police Taiho Jutsu (Career Self Defence). Needless to mention that Police Taiho Jutsu or simply Taiho
Jutsu is a Japanese martial arts style which had been designed to
help feudal police arrest hardcore armed and dangerous criminals by all means at that point in time starting from 1947 upward! But today, both Taiho Jutsu and Police Taiho Jutsu are exercised by anyone who felt like stretching up, okay?