Sunday 9 April 2017

My Source of Inspiration in Taiho Jutsu

Long before I even had heard the term Taiho Jutsu, the Namibian Government in partnership with the British Council had had plans made for me to study Physical Education and Self Defence in England, thanks to my solid martial arts background and a reasonable level of school education. They did everything from travelling arrangements to my study financing and taking care of my unforeseen expenses prior to putting me on that flight to Heathrow.

It was a joy ride all the way until I reached CPU, Harrogate – North Yorkshire, is when I realised the depth of studies I had let myself into. To start up with, I was the only African fella at the whole campus. Yet my African English accent wasn’t helping very much. So I worked twice harder until I could make lemonade just like everybody else.

But right there and then, almost at once I realised that I certainly didn’t have a problem with neither self defence nor martial arts, but all the problems in the world with physical education, particularly in the
fields of sports studies, and sports sciences, pertaining to subjects such as leisure studies, community sport/arts/outdoor pursuits, human movement studies/anatomy and physiology, recreation management, and first aid, since we weren’t studying those things during my time at primary and secondary schooling in Africa. Again I worked diligently more than all my classmates put together. Studying all the time to a point where my colleagues started making fun of me. Saying that I truly loved books very much, perhaps that was my first time seeing them! But even then it still took me like forever before I started building momentum vital for earning good grades in physical education. Of course, I was number 2 in the whole class when it came to Taiho Jutsu sport & police Taiho jutsu self defence, thanks to my karate and ninjutsu background. My grades in self defence were always above average no matter what technique Alan Montgomery and Sensei Brian Eustace threw at us. But I hated physical education very much because I sucked at it! 
See, in England for example, people go to higher institutions of learning to study for diplomas or degrees in physical education. And that involves the study and practice of organised sports, athletic activities, swimming, first aid & lifesaving, gymnastics, aerobics and dance, dietary and physiotherapy, outdoor adventurous sports activities, and active lifestyle pursuit. And that was definitely like brain surgery to a traditional African bloke like I was before I had gone there!

But where there is a will there is a way; that I had comprehended as time of burying myself into the books went by!  Due to studying all the time even at dinner tables and sometimes in bathrooms too, I instantaneously started getting real good marks in physical education. I got my head straight at Yew Tree Lane and more so at University of Chester, formerly known as Chester College, where I completed my endless tons of modules in Human Anatomy. It was at Chester College where I majored in the functions of a human body in relation to the essence of physical education. By mastering such a sport science, I understood the concept of physical education which can simply be defined as a tool to lay solid foundations in children and improve the adult’s metabolism for lasting health and enhanced quality of life.

During school recess, however, I frequently visited my friends, Thomas and Cora, the owner of a private Physical Education & Self Defence (Taiho Jutsu) school in Hamburg, Germany. And there I helped present classes in physical education and self defence to minors and adults alike as a professional teacher I was, of course. 
Back at home base, Yew Tree Lane, CPU, I practiced teaching physical education and self defence on my peer group and school going children at nearby schools in Harrogate. And for my final teaching practice appraisals, I was sent to Bruche Police College in Warrington, Manchester, where I spent enormous time dishing out classes in physical education and self defence to police recruits while under constant
scrutiny by senior physical educationalists, administrators, and policy-makers and activity providers. Luckily by then I was already a professional teacher, even my African English accent worked perfectly well that nobody wondered whether I was African or not! Not even those mocking police recruits believed me when I openly testified that I was African.

Nonetheless, after successfully completing the course, I flew back to Namibia where I spent the next 16 years teaching physical education and self defence at all national police colleges across Namibia. I was so effective at my work that it didn’t take long before the University of Namibia (UNAM) heard of me and therefore arranged with my bosses that I’d present classes over there, which I did with pleasure. But unfortunately as time went on, due to bad politics in the police, I relinquished my commission with the government. And much later I merged with friends and established a private learning institution in physical education and self defence for every living person regardless of their nationality, occupation, gender and age.

We even accept toddlers on condition they are accompanied by their mothers to attend either swimming or physical fitness training before they become of age to participate independently in sports of their choosing. We also present physical education and self defence trainer courses to military, law-enforcement agencies, and security companies in Namibia and elsewhere on the African soil and beyond. It’s only at Taiho Jutsu schools where you’ll find senior citizens up to above 60 years old taking up physical education or self defence classes at their own pace in their groups.

So having studied physical education and self defence intensively in England, I am more than competent enough to work out a physical training and self defence programme for anybody or any organisation, even for a team of well evenly pregnant women. I’m basically a well trained doctor for physical education and self defence and I’m possibly the only one of my kind in Namibia, if not Africa so far, thanks to the Namibian Government and British Council.

Well, in case you would like to speak to us privately, by all means, please, do so by emailing us your considerations using any of the following email addresses:

Monday 3 April 2017

Taiho Jutsu

Taiho Jutsu (sport) and Police Taiho Jutsu (career self defence sport) put together is the real deal in martial arts across the world. It’s only in Taiho Jutsu where all martial arts techniques go unrestricted. 

The use of wrist controls, arm controls, holds and throws, firearms use, firearm retention, and disarm, locks used in Ju Jutsu, Aikido, Judo, karate and Ninjutsu, to mention but a few styles,  make Taiho Jutsu an ideal art not only for law enforcement agencies but all martial artists across the world, regardless of the dominating dojo style.

Kind regards,

Joseph Sambi: ジョセフ ・ サンビ

Taiho Jutsu Whk Membership Information

Welcome to Taiho Jutsu Namibia, you really made the right decision to join the winning martial art style practiced worldwide.  Needle...