Monday 17 February 2014

Feel Me

It hit me this afternoon, that each day is really a blessing for us to start afresh and make things right. I finally understood what they had taught me at school that the greatest gift is the gift of learning, and that gift is not completed until it’s passed on!

See, people of my stature are few in the world. I am talking about old folks, born long before computer and the internet were created. People like me, of course, and I am not shy to mention that I look forward to my 51st birthday in a few months from now! Yet I still run 20km twice a week and hit the gym three times a month.


I should tell you, though; it’s not easy being that competitive at my age, during the Digital Age! Some of my age-mates don’t even know how to switch a computer on, let alone surfing the internet for Godssake! And some of these youngsters who were born recently don’t even know how to type their names on a key-board, thanks to mobile-phones!

Unfortunately there’s a price to pay for not dying hard, meaning not losing human value. That’s running a risk of being alienated by both the old and new generations. They both don’t know how to handle people like me! The oldies who grew up with us still remember how we used to win prizes for being good at what we did in the 70’s & 80’s. And the youngsters can’t stand been beaten at their games by old toppies! For that reason, both parties just keep quiet when we do our thing. They would never participate in our talks, because they simply don’t know how! To them; apparently, we’re just too good for our own good!


But you know what; there’s really wisdom in experience. For example, nowadays you hear people spending money on meaningless courses, where they are apparently taught simple things like, “The Secret of Happiness,” what; are you serious? Man, just use that money to buy a nice present for your spouse, instead of giving it to some guru for teaching you bullshit! After all, who doesn’t know that the secret of happiness is fundamentally wanting what you have, or being content with what you have?
We were there; especially in Africa, that was the first lesson our parents had taught us! “Go to school, get a government job afterward, and live happily ever after,” they would say. We did as told, we studied hard and eventually worked for our governments, but I can’t remember hearing any of my colleagues at their death-bed saying, “Oh thank God, I’m gonna die today, I only wish I had spent more time at work!”


Nonetheless, life has got its own perks. When you live longer like we did, seeing years accompanied by various challenges come and go; you get to learn what’s important in life! You learn that the two most important things in life, amongst other things, is God and you! Whether you like it or not, once at my age, you get to realize that God is real! God is not a fabrication of hyperactive people’s imagination. You came alone into the world, and alone you’re bound to leave this world someday! And guess who’ll be there to deal you firsthand; God! By then your parents and Charles Darwin who had taught you that God wasn’t real aren’t gonna be there to protect you from God’s disillusion in you! 

And the second important thing in life is you! To get to my age, still being young and productive, you need to take good care of yourself, before taking good care of other people! You need to eat right, exercise right, sleep right, and whatever you do, stay away from stupefying drugs, and then only then would you hope to live a competitive long life!

Well, that’s it for now! To get me talking about these things and more, if you like, leave a comment below. It’s tiresome and extremely boring talking to oneself!!

I really look forward to reading your comment, and it doesn't matter what topic it relates to; I am gonna respond equally, respectively.

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