Monday 29 September 2014

This Unbranded BMW Just Arrived Late This Evening From Katima Mulilo

Just like I said the other day, Sambi Tours & Shuttle CC – Namibia is doing marvelously when it comes to touring tourists not only from Windhoek to Zambezi Region but countrywide! Of course, from the look of things, our drivers must hate me very much because I’m more than a slave driver when it comes to taking good care of our clients! I never sleep when any of our shuttle vehicles is on the road transporting a client. I would make sure that both the client and driver are safe on the road all the time until they safely reach their destination!

And not only the BMW got safely back to Windhoek late this evening today, but the Mazda 4WD also just arrived at the same time safely from Etosha National Park, and so did seven other cars arrive from various places across Namibia! Yet while others arrive, others do go to various places countrywide, that’s how we run SAMBI TOURS & SHUTTLE CC – NAMIBIA!

In Windhoek our cars are always busy transferring tourists from and to Hosea Kutako International Airport, yet ever since we had started providing this service, not even once did any of our cars make the headlines, thanks to God who is probably leading our business! And thanks to our professional drivers who also make sure that all our clients do reach their destinations safely! Traveling with Sambi Tours & Shuttle is really the safest way to travel Namibia because we never take chances that might endanger our clients!

Of course, Sambi Tours & Shuttle isn't the only means of transport in Namibia, there are like over a thousand other tours & shuttle services in the country, all doing a great job in that regard! So it doesn't make any difference whether you travel with us or with other shuttle services while in Namibia, the fact remains that you’ll reach your destination in one peace! Namibia is a great country and I am so blessed to have been born here, oh I love this country very much!!

Namibia is most definitely one of the safest African countries (if not the only African country where anybody regardless of where on earth they originate from would feel safe immediately upon their arrival!

Saturday 27 September 2014

Sambi Tours & Shuttle Now Runs The New Route

I have waited long enough to say Sambi Tours & Shuttle CC – Namibia now transfers tours between Windhoek and the Zambezi (Caprivi) Region!! It really feels good saying so because not only do I enjoy promoting the Zambezi (Caprivi) Region but I was born there, yes I was born in Katima Mulilo, Caprivi, Namibia! 

Not until 2013, the Zambezi Region was known as the Caprivi Strip. It’s been renamed as such after the mighty Zambezi River which serves as the highest tourism attraction in the region and Namibia in general! Even though we’re fascinated by the new name, the fact remains that it’ll probably take us a century to forget calling it as Caprivi. It’s just not easy forgetting that, luckily it’s not a crime calling it as such, otherwise we would all be in jail by now!

Nonetheless, it’s just fitting to mention that the name Caprivi had come a long way since 1890 when the region fell in the hands of the Germans, after long negotiations with the British who occupied the territory prior to that! As a result, the area became known as Caprivi, named after the German chancellor: General Count Georg Leo von Caprivi di Caprara di Montecuccoli. Luckily the Region was only called as the Caprivi Strip or simply Caprivi.


But now after Namibia had gained its independence in 1990, the people of that region felt like it was high time they got away with the Caprivi name, and that’s how it eventually became renamed as the Zambezi Region, after its Zambezi River. 

Namibia is basically blessed in the Zambezi Region, not only because of its amazing peace loving people, but its four perennial rivers such as Zambezi, Kwando, Chobe and Linyanti, and of course, its four National Parks: Mamili, Mudumu, Mahango and Bwabwata.

The area is extremely rich in natural resources because of the abundance of water and forestry, and it’s home to over 600 species of birds, four of the Big Five, and an amazing assortment of flora. And the inhabitants, oh yes – my people, are so humble and quite civilized that they would never harm a living soul! Hence tourism is booming in the region, yet prices are quite low when compared to other areas in the country and beyond!

   Unbranded Sambi Tours & Shuttle vehicles 

Sambi Tours & Shuttle, therefore, was fortunate enough to get lawfully permitted to transfer tourists and local passengers between Windhoek and the Zambezi region. It’s quite a stretch, though, exactly 1200 kilometres from Windhoek to Katima Mulilo which serves as the major town of the Zambezi region. And of course, pricing is standard, so set by the Tourism Board of Namibia.

For your information, however, tours & shuttle tariffs in Namibia, particularly pertaining to long distances, are fixed on $1 per a kilometer, regardless of the number of passengers being transferred to and fro! For example, since the distance from Windhoek to Katima Mulilo is 1200 kilometres, that obviously calls for $1200 US Dollar per trip for one person or a group of people.

And it’s against the law to pick up more passengers along the way even when one is transferring only one person and his little briefcase. By the same token, it’s also against the law to overcharge a client albeit he’s alone but filling the entire car with boxes of merchandises, even if the value of such merchandises clearly shows to be in millions of US Dollars! But we’re not complaining because we’re used to working for peanuts, especially when one is transferring a group of people over such long distances for a fixed price of only $1200 US Dollars!

Trans-Caprivi Highway

So I am glad to finally mention that Sambi Tours & Shuttle Company is now running the Windhoek – Katima route, with pleasure, of course! We've cars going to Katima and coming to Windhoek every day, and all our cars are fully housed, even fitted with medical first-aid kits and fire extinguishers. Our drivers are professionals with vast experiences in driving, and they are extremely knowledgeable in medical first-aid provision.

So to book a shuttle or simply a transfer car with us to either Windhoek or Katima, simply make your reservation by using the details provided below: 

We look forward to transferring you to either place of your choice with smiles on our faces!!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Who Says You Cannot Mix Business With Pleasure!!

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I’ve achieved so much in SFI and at TripleClicks, so much so that you wouldn't believe me if I mentioned all my achievements at both institutions! 

Joseph Sambi

Briefly, in my class of over four (4) thousand affiliates worldwide who joined SFI last year on 10 September 2013, I came first in the SFI E-365 Entrepreneurship Competition which ended on 10 Sept 2014!  And two (2) days ago I won 20 affiliates at TripleClicks, all FREE, how intriguing is that?


Tuesday 23 September 2014

Now We Talk About Slavery And Its Wages!

…this is one topic I am comfortably discussing even while sleeping because I've experienced slavery and its wages first hand! I had missed my childhood due to a big sister of mine and politically oriented relatives who couldn't stop talking about their hatred for white people who had enslaved our forefathers! 

As a little boy with some kind of faith in God, due to such slavery talks, I had made it my mission to find a solution to this problem someday, I am therefore happy to mention that I've finally found the solution I had been engineering all my life, thanks to God, hence ready to reveal it to the world! 

But first of all, let me put it this way, what is slavery; and what’s the wages of slavery? To answer these questions, we need to go back to the beginning of time, but no matter how far in prehistoric times we go back to in terms of tracing the origin of slavery, we would still need to go farther than that because slavery had been a part and parcel of humanity since the beginning of time! Every race on earth had experienced it first hand at one point or another, therefore, this topic is applicable to mankind (regardless of race) whether dead or alive! But this explanation can again easily raise another question such as who or which race on earth has got all the rights to be bitter at heart when it comes to slavery in terms of injustices done to their ancestors? Therefore, only after properly answering the major question in question with a sober mind would we discover the fact that every race on earth has basically the right to be bitter at heart when it comes to issues related to slavery!

Slavery is and has been the worst nemesis of humanity at large since the beginning of time! Unfortunately human beings aren't looking at this issue from all angles of life and that’s why it had turned into some kind of a cold war between nations of the world! Whether you look at it from the angle of ancient times, middle times, or modern times, slavery stays slavery and no anger in anybody would change that!

For that reason, it’s pointless looking at some particular race with hatred for what had been done to one’s forefathers in the name of slavery! The point therefore in brief, is that every race at one point or another had enslaved somebody, so maybe it’s time we stopped pointing fingers at other people and started pointing fingers at ourselves as human beings instead! For that reason, as civilized human beings we ought to start looking at what to do to change the past rather than looking back at what had been done to our forefathers in the name of slavery!  

My big sister is wrong to direct her anger at white people for enslaving the Africans during the Modern Age, and I had been telling her so ever since we were toddlers but she never took me serious! I pity people like my big sister who spend all their life hating people who hadn’t invented a wheel but rather took the previously invented wheel for a ride!

The wages of sin is death, but what’s the wages of ignorance; that’s the question? The same goes for the wages of slavery! What’s the wages of slavery? Poverty and mental related illnesses, of course! Hence how do we address the issue to everybody’s satisfaction? And what should be done to heal the broken hearts and negative mentally affected minds in that regard?

Well, fairly answering those questions would most likely lead us to tackling the causes of bipolar disorder, which simply refers to mental illness that causes mood swings in human beings due to past unpleasant experiences! And that alone means undertaking this issue of slavery and its wages not only with a sober mind, but a vast amount of time! Therefore, this matter in my opinion is larger than life and it should have been resolved a long time ago if only our forefathers or simply human beings in general had treated it as important as fighting wars or healing regular diseases known to mankind to date! 

 (To be continued)… but please, in the meantime, feel free to leave a comment! And by now you should already know that there’s absolutely no word anybody could say that would upset me! If it’s me you wanna attack with regards to this topic or any other, by all means, bring it on because I am extremely larger in the heart and mind that I would never lose it due to simple words! I am one of those philosophers who believe in the old saying that sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me! So feel free to pick on me if you will, or rather join the party, will you?

Monday 22 September 2014

See Another Approach Used By Scam Artists In Senegal, Africa

There is more to this scam going on in Senegal – Africa than meets the eye! One should remember that these people/cons basically speak French not English; therefore undermining them is the gravest mistake one could make. And you would certainly think twice upon seeing their work in French! 

They’re really experts; after all, even you can just imagine how difficult it must be to hack a bank and then deplete somebody’s account without leaving a paper trail of where the money went!

Nonetheless, here is one of their gruesome approaches, which I hate very much because in this case they use a helpless sick old woman to rip-off people in the name of compassion, how heartless is that?

------Original message------
From: Sabah Fuhum <>
To:"" <>
Date: Monday, August 25, 2014 10:52:49 AM GMT+0000
Subject: Thanks For Your Reply.‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏
Dear Sambi,
My Beloved sorry for my late response it was due to my present health condition, I am Sabah Fuhum  from Kuwait but currently residing in the United Kingdom. I was married to late Mahmud Fuhum of blessed memory who was an Oil Explorer in Kuwait & Russia for twelve years before he died in the year 2011. We were married for twelve years without a child; he died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days.
Since his death, I too have been battling with both Cancer and fibroid problems. When my late Husband was alive he deposited a substantial amount of money worth $18 Million with a bank in the United Kingdom which I inherited after his death.
Recently, my doctor told me that I have only 3 months to live due to my ailment. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to either a charity/orphanage home or devoted Allah (God) fearing individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct therein. I want this organization or individual to use this money in all sincerity to fund charity homes (Motherless Homes), orphanages, and widows.
I took this decision because I don’t have any child that will inherit this money and my husbands relatives are into radical organization as an unbeliever’s which I don’t want a situation where this money will be used in an unholy manner, hence the reasons for this bold decision. Please, pray for me to recover as your prayers will go a long way in uplifting my spirit.
I don’t need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health condition which has seriously affected my speech and also because of the presence of my husband’s relatives around me always. I don’t want them to know about this development.
As soon as I receive your reply, I shall give you further directives on what to do and how to go about actualizing this project. I will also instruct my lawyer to file an application on your behalf to the bank where the funds were deposited for the transfer of the money to you for this purpose. I want you to always pray for me. Any delay in your reply will give room in sourcing for an organization or a devoted Individual for this same purpose.
Until I hear from you by email; my dreams will squarely rest on your shoulders.
Remain Blessed.
Yours truly,Sabah Fuhum

And now you can hear from their legal representative (fake lawyer) whom they are apparently using to lawfully cut deals for them! 

Address: - NO 66 PARCELLE UNIT 12,(3rd-floor)
Dakar - Senegal
(Motto: justice for all)


Attention: MR. JOSEPH SAMBI,







YOUR FULL NAME, .................................

FULL ADDRESS, ...................................

ID NUMBER OR PASSPORT NUMBER,..........................


YOUR COUNTRY CODE, .....................................

OCCUPATION, .....................................

DATE OF BIRTH,............................

MARITAL STATUS,......................






BAR. (DR). EDWARD BENCO (ESQ)                                                  

Well, I am sick of it all, and therefore, unless you have a question on this topic, I am shutting it up! But please, remember that your comment might help educate somebody out there! You really find people on earth who are falling for such scams and more, so help talk some sense to them via a comment, thanks for following the story, anyway!

Sunday 21 September 2014

Why Such A Scam In Senegal, Africa?

Good heavens; one would have to be really stupid beyond measure to be scammed by these people! I just wonder why are they themselves in business to start up with; because clearly their work shows that not only are they a rip-off, but ignorant! One shouldn't fall for such a scam unless he was totally blind!

Please, look at their work and then imagine you were their target, would you fall for them? I wouldn't!!


Greeting To You Mr. Hester
Am here again introducing my representative partner as your bank was requested to my reviews message for my intention of transferring my late Father’s money to my position. I was told by your bank that I can’t do it direct unless through an appointment trustee who can stand to me as my representative partner in the transfer due.

So am here to inform and introduce my representative partner who I have trusted and appointed to assist me out and transfer my money into his account.

Below is his name and information with attachment picture for his identity 

Please kindly contact him direct to his email address and clarify him everything about my late Father’s money which was deposited on your bank in order to carry on the transfer to his nominated account.

Thanks Yours faithful
Miss Rachel Gilbert  From Dakar Senegal

And now comes a response from the so-called Royal Bank of Scotland, oh damn!!

--- On Mon, 15/9/14, ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND <> wrote: 
> Subject: Transfer Department (RBS)
> To:
> Date: Monday, 15 September, 2014, 10:56    
For your Information//
Sir/ Madam
I have been directed by the director of foreign operation/wire transfer to write you in respect to your mail which we received in our Bank RBS.
Actually, we have earlier been informed about you by the young lady called ( Miss Rachel Gilbert ) { next of kin } that she wish you to be her trustee,/ representatives for the claim of her late fathers money deposited with this Bank.
Late (Dr. Gilbert Charles) is our late customer with sum substantial amount of money he deposit with us, IE. £8.7M GBP {Eight Million Seven Hundred Thousand pounds} hence you have been really appointed as a trustee /representative of the next of kin.
However before our Bank will transact any business concerning the transfer of the found to your Bank we will like you to send the following documents immediately to our Bank.
1) A power of attorney permitting you to claim and transfer the found to your Bank account on her behalf.
Note/ this power of attorney must be endorsed by a Senegalese resident Lawyer. Since the Lady presently reside in Senegal.
2)  The death certificates of late Dr Gilbert Charles her deceased father confirming his death.
3)  A copy of statement of account issued to Dr Gilbert Charles by our Bank.
4) (Copy of your passport for more identification.
5) Your full contact number Telephone \/ Fax
Note, / the above are compulsory, and are needed to protect our interest, yours and the next of kin after the transfer has been made.
These shall also ensure that smooth, quick and successful transfer of the found is made. {{we promised to give the best of our service to our customers}
should in case if you have any question's, please don't hesitate to contact our foreign operation director for more directive/ and clarifications, please contact:
International Banking Department
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC
36 St Andrew Square
Edinburgh   SCO   EH2 2YB
p: +44 -796 -741 -3688
p: +44- 705- 38-24-06
F +44 70 17 62 1865
P.O. Box 04638 LDNS
Yours faithfully
Mr. Stephen Hester.


But the question is why are other people falling for such a lousy scam in the first place? Please leave a comment, will you? Your advice might help somebody in Africa or anywhere else, so join the discussion and fear not because I am leading this topic, no thief could time me!

Saturday 20 September 2014

A Nasty Scam Currently Going On In Africa

Beware of this new scam going on in Senegal, Africa. I was recently contacted by these online African thieves, thinking I was a run-over, but immediately I knew that it was a scam and so I played along so as to obtain as much evidence as possible to know what they do and how they scam people with their nasty little scam!

So I played along as if I was really interested, yet remembering where to draw the line! Well, in brief, their scam is aimed at getting your bank details so as to deplete your account! I still don’t know how they do it, though, but I hear that it’s working very well for them! They can even hack larger banks like the Royal Bank of Scotland in London, and they are even using the Royal Bank of London to attract clients!

Nonetheless, let me exhibit their work on my blog for you to read it for yourself! And if you need more information regarding the scammers’ details, please don’t hesitate to contact me because I've like 15 emails from them, containing all their details, possibly fake details anyway! 

------Original message------
From: Rachel Gilbert <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:39:27 AM GMT+0100
Subject: All about me with honest, i hope you are honest to help me out,

Hello dearest one.
How are you today?
I believe you are doing well, please don’t be surprise about this message.

I am more than happy reading your reply today, My dear like I told you in my first mail,
My name is Rachel Gilbert from Ivory coast in west Africa Presently I am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war going on in my country.
I am 24 years old girl 5'8" tall.
My father (DR GILBERT CHARLES) was the personal adviser to the former head of state
(Late DR HENRI KONAN) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed him alongside with my mother It is only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where I am living now.

Please I will like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes and what you are doing presently. When I read your mail today is give me full joy and happiness, I hope I have gotten the honest person which I have been searching. Thank you once again I will like to see you face to face soonest. My dear I will like to be part of your life.

Mine here is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal. In this refugee we are only allowed to go out only some times in a week. It’s just like one staying in the prison and I hope with your help and by Gods grace I will come out here soon.

I don't have any relatives now whom I can go to all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person I have now is Rev Asan Duku who is the pastor of the (Christ for all Churches) here in the refugee he has been very nice to me

since i came here but I am not living with him rather I am leaving in the women's hostel because the refugee have two hostels one for men the other for women. The PASTOR Tel number is ( +221786334447 ) I will being waiting for your call as soon as you received this message ;if you call tell PASTOR ASAN DUKU that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel.

As a refugee here I don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country, I want to go back to my studies because I only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.

Please listen to this, I have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which I will send to you latter, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in Europe which he used my name as the next of kin, the amount in question is £8.7M (Eight Million Seven Hundred Thousand pounds).
So I will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.

I kept this secret to people in the refugee here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me. So in the light of above I will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for I am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people get to know about it.

Remember I am giving you all this information due to the trust and honest I deposed on you, I like honest and understanding people, truthful and a human of vision, truth and hard working. My favorite language is English but our language is French but I speak English very fluently.

Meanwhile I will like you to call me to prove you’re honest and also to hear my voice and I also will hear yours. Have a nice day and read my message careful, please treat this very urgent to safe my life, if you are willing to help respond quickly so that I will give you all the details about the bank where the money was deposited

Waiting to hear from you soonest.


------Original message------
From: Rachel Gilbert <>
To:"" <>
Date: Friday, September 12, 2014 1:14:02 PM GMT+0100
Subject: Please send a confirmation message to this bank today

Dear Sambi,
How are you doing over there? I believe your doing well, thanks for your understanding concerning my suffering condition here, am so much happy to read from you again and know your kind of person for a bit, which i want you to help me and assist me out and transfer my late father's money in to yours account, please try and contact the bank today for your confirmation,

As for me, I believe with all hopes to meet you face to face, immediately after the transfer of my money to your position for a better life.
God bless and reward you for every effort you do to see me from this horrible prison called refugee camp where I live today as a result of far too early death of my parents
(Perhaps her gentle soul perfect peace)

Here are the contact details of the bank in London, where the money was deposited by my late father, as follows,

TELEPHONE NUMBER   +44 796 741 3688
FAX  NUMBER            +44 70 17 62 18 65

Already i have informed this bank about my intention to claim my late father's deposit of which my name appears as the next of kin.

The only thing the bank told me is to look for a foreign partner who will assist me in the transfer due
to my refugee status here in Senegal, as a refugee i am not allowed direct to claim of the money but through an appointed representative as the united refugee law governing refugee all over the world states.
Based on this information i will like you to send an email to the transfer department of the bank today with their email address below:
Email address  (
Attention Mr STEPHEN HESTER  the foreign transfer officer of the bank telling him that you are my representative and that you want to assist me transfer
my 8.7 million pounds deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin.
ACCOUNT NUMBER 73-110-535-20
God bless you as you do this today
I hope to see you face to face soon
Your Faithfully

(Anyway, tomorrow I'll post another posts on my blog regarding this scam I mentioned and I'll also reveal the details of the so-called Royal Bank of Scotland, etc.) 

Monday 15 September 2014

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