Tuesday 23 September 2014

Now We Talk About Slavery And Its Wages!

…this is one topic I am comfortably discussing even while sleeping because I've experienced slavery and its wages first hand! I had missed my childhood due to a big sister of mine and politically oriented relatives who couldn't stop talking about their hatred for white people who had enslaved our forefathers! 

As a little boy with some kind of faith in God, due to such slavery talks, I had made it my mission to find a solution to this problem someday, I am therefore happy to mention that I've finally found the solution I had been engineering all my life, thanks to God, hence ready to reveal it to the world! 

But first of all, let me put it this way, what is slavery; and what’s the wages of slavery? To answer these questions, we need to go back to the beginning of time, but no matter how far in prehistoric times we go back to in terms of tracing the origin of slavery, we would still need to go farther than that because slavery had been a part and parcel of humanity since the beginning of time! Every race on earth had experienced it first hand at one point or another, therefore, this topic is applicable to mankind (regardless of race) whether dead or alive! But this explanation can again easily raise another question such as who or which race on earth has got all the rights to be bitter at heart when it comes to slavery in terms of injustices done to their ancestors? Therefore, only after properly answering the major question in question with a sober mind would we discover the fact that every race on earth has basically the right to be bitter at heart when it comes to issues related to slavery!

Slavery is and has been the worst nemesis of humanity at large since the beginning of time! Unfortunately human beings aren't looking at this issue from all angles of life and that’s why it had turned into some kind of a cold war between nations of the world! Whether you look at it from the angle of ancient times, middle times, or modern times, slavery stays slavery and no anger in anybody would change that!

For that reason, it’s pointless looking at some particular race with hatred for what had been done to one’s forefathers in the name of slavery! The point therefore in brief, is that every race at one point or another had enslaved somebody, so maybe it’s time we stopped pointing fingers at other people and started pointing fingers at ourselves as human beings instead! For that reason, as civilized human beings we ought to start looking at what to do to change the past rather than looking back at what had been done to our forefathers in the name of slavery!  

My big sister is wrong to direct her anger at white people for enslaving the Africans during the Modern Age, and I had been telling her so ever since we were toddlers but she never took me serious! I pity people like my big sister who spend all their life hating people who hadn’t invented a wheel but rather took the previously invented wheel for a ride!

The wages of sin is death, but what’s the wages of ignorance; that’s the question? The same goes for the wages of slavery! What’s the wages of slavery? Poverty and mental related illnesses, of course! Hence how do we address the issue to everybody’s satisfaction? And what should be done to heal the broken hearts and negative mentally affected minds in that regard?

Well, fairly answering those questions would most likely lead us to tackling the causes of bipolar disorder, which simply refers to mental illness that causes mood swings in human beings due to past unpleasant experiences! And that alone means undertaking this issue of slavery and its wages not only with a sober mind, but a vast amount of time! Therefore, this matter in my opinion is larger than life and it should have been resolved a long time ago if only our forefathers or simply human beings in general had treated it as important as fighting wars or healing regular diseases known to mankind to date! 

 (To be continued)… but please, in the meantime, feel free to leave a comment! And by now you should already know that there’s absolutely no word anybody could say that would upset me! If it’s me you wanna attack with regards to this topic or any other, by all means, bring it on because I am extremely larger in the heart and mind that I would never lose it due to simple words! I am one of those philosophers who believe in the old saying that sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me! So feel free to pick on me if you will, or rather join the party, will you?

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