Friday 26 May 2017

Physical Education & Self Defence Trainers' Course Update

Friends, as I mentioned earlier in my previous post, we’ll announce the details of the Physical Education & Self Defence trainers’ course in question very shortly after we have exhausted issues pertaining to study subjects in collaboration with study fees. For example, we are obliged to acknowledge and accept certifications from other institutions issued to both personal and group trainers who had studied kinesiology, physiology, anatomy and first aid, hence allowing such trainers to only sit for exams in those subjects without attending such classes with us, let alone purchasing study materials in those fields so as to save them money. Given the fact this forth-coming course will be its first kind presented by us or anybody else in Namibia; we’re therefore trying to make it as affordable as possible so as to accommodate all those who are interested.  

One thing I can guarantee you now is that whoever will attend the three (3) months physical education & self defence course in question would be on demand by not only us (Taiho Jutsu Namibia) for employment as Personal/Group Instructor at our various clubs, but many health centres, organisations, and schools across Namibia. And not only that, but the course participants holding our physical education & self defence certificate would be able to open up and run their own clubs if they so wished. 

Well, as for now, friends, let me go back to arranging everything and I promise to come back to you adamantly with all the details pertaining to where, how much, who to attend, and when would the course be held, okay? I promise, you won’t miss such information because it will be conveyed to you by means of all resourceful social media platforms including the local national radio, television, newspapers, and word of mouth. So relax a bit for now, right?


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